Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Luxembourg, I understand thee not

Welcome to Luxembourg

I went on a day trip to Luxembourg with the Schaefers and after a guided tour and many tourists pamphlets I still could not understand the History of Luxembourg.

Beautiful, rich, culturally diverse and full of bridges

Here is my recollection of the Luxembourg history for you to ponder over while taking in some of its beautiful scenery.

From the fortified walls

Some guy named Siegfried decides to make a castle in 963, he also sold his soul to the devil (no reason given). One day he stumbles upon a water nymph by the river in Luxembourg, they fall in love. He freaks out when he looks down and sees she is actually part fish. Brokenhearted, the water nymph's spirit continues to exist in the rocks of Luxembourg, the town of which will only stop being destroyed when she is released from the rocks. This can be done by a man of noble birth or common birth (so why not just say any man with a pulse?) taking a golden key from her mouth with his mouth.

The Grund

What made Luxembourg so famous back in the day was the fact that it was an impenetrable fortress built into the rocks of the hill with 3 outer defensive walls. It is not clear what they so desperately needed to protect or why everyone wanted to invade the place, but every major power of Europe over the ages had a go. Maybe it was just the challenge. I don't know how you can still call a place an impenetrable fortress when everybody who tries to invade, does and you have to rebuild the place 20 times. Then comes the 1800's and everyone's making friends in Europe and a treaty is signed on, Luxembourg becomes a neutral state and all fortifications are to be destroyed, only then could they not blow it up, try as they might.

In town

One day during a severe storm, lightning struck one of the castle towers, nothing unusual apart from that's where they decided to store all the gunpowder and cannonballs, yep, that's right, all explosives under a conductor. Most of the stones that made up the tower were blown all over town destroying many houses, killing and injuring many.

I don't have anything against Luxembourg, it's a lovely place, but if you happen to have a decent explanation of the Luxembourg history please send it to me so I can fill in the gaping plot-holes.


Blogger Cat said...

Hi Molnar,

I agree, strange tail of hsitory. LOVE the pictures. So pretty. I think i went to Lux... this is the problem with those damn whirl wind tours - you forget how to distinguish between the places.

Saturday, 17 June, 2006  
Blogger KG said...

Hey Molnar, great update, I really annoyed Gordon by reading it while he was painting and laughing the whole time. I still can't believe you have managed to avoid the whole soccer thing - Australia has gone totally mad!!! Kirst.

Sunday, 25 June, 2006  

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